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【2018八月到十月大溪內觀禪林活動】 | RESP | 2018/8/13 20:06 | 0 | 4247 | 2018/8/13 20:06 by RESP |
【如何在生活中禪修?】觀內外六處 | RESP | 2019/12/15 8:31 | 2 | 4179 | 2020/1/4 21:30 by RESP |
【什麼是心的所緣?】 | RESP | 2019/11/16 13:31 | 1 | 4110 | 2019/11/16 21:31 by RESP |
【如何觀呼吸證得禪那?】 | RESP | 2019/12/4 19:46 | 1 | 4079 | 2019/12/4 20:02 by RESP |
【佛教心理5】什麼是觀禪的心路過程? | RESP | 2019/9/6 18:21 | 1 | 4034 | 2019/9/6 21:52 by RESP |
【佛教史總綱11講】講義 | RESP | 2019/11/12 19:25 | 1 | 4013 | 2019/11/12 19:37 by RESP |
《六祖壇經》〈傳法偈〉的要義略探、談談諸行無常決定 | RESP | 2016/12/3 18:33 | 0 | 3891 | 2016/12/3 18:33 by RESP |
【佛法總綱9講】 | RESP | 2019/11/9 11:47 | 1 | 3825 | 2019/11/9 11:50 by RESP |
【佛教心理14講】 | RESP | 2019/10/17 20:22 | 1 | 3818 | 2019/10/18 16:23 by RESP |
【六祖壇經14講】 | RESP | 2019/10/20 10:08 | 1 | 3756 | 2019/10/20 18:05 by RESP |
【佛教哲學總綱4講】 | RESP | 2019/10/24 11:22 | 1 | 3748 | 2019/10/24 21:51 by RESP |
【佛教邏輯總綱5講】 | RESP | 2019/11/2 19:44 | 1 | 3736 | 2019/11/2 20:28 by RESP |
讚念長老的內觀重點開示分享 | RESP | 2019/10/26 17:31 | 1 | 3730 | 2019/10/26 21:04 by RESP |
【談談菩薩道】影片分享講義下載 | RESP | 2019/11/18 8:14 | 1 | 3717 | 2019/11/19 12:03 by RESP |
【釋迦牟尼佛傳原典選集】最新二版分享 | RESP | 2021/5/23 6:04 | 2 | 3664 | 2021/5/24 8:52 by RESP |
【什麼是涅槃?】 | RESP | 2019/11/23 21:43 | 1 | 3659 | 2019/11/23 21:45 by RESP |
【禪修是什麼?】為何要禪修? | RESP | 2019/11/28 20:31 | 1 | 3608 | 2019/11/28 20:34 by RESP |
【談談如理作意】文章分享 | RESP | 2019/10/12 19:11 | 0 | 3524 | 2019/10/12 19:11 by RESP |
【談談九心輪】新文分享 | RESP | 2019/10/30 12:41 | 0 | 3507 | 2019/10/30 12:41 by RESP |
最新六祖壇經校正本專集 | RESP | 2021/4/11 18:48 | 1 | 3428 | 2021/4/11 20:21 by RESP |
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