Topics | Topic poster | Publish time | Replies | Views | Last post time | ||
Important Topics | |||||||
禪林規約 | RESP | 2007/5/14 7:26 | 0 | 13505 | 2007/5/14 7:26 by RESP |
內觀禪林地圖指引 | RESP | 2006/3/6 12:48 | 0 | 14720 | 2006/3/6 12:48 by RESP |
Forum Topics | |||||||
憨山老人夢遊集卷第二 答鄭崑巖中丞 | RESP | 2007/7/30 21:11 | 3 | 19912 | 2020/1/17 21:28 by 自在之路 |
誠徵:禪修研究意見 | 王昱海 | 2009/7/13 12:59 | 9 | 24184 | 2020/1/17 21:23 by 自在之路 |
四念處修行次第 | Eric | 2009/10/30 10:02 | 3 | 18895 | 2020/1/17 20:34 by 自在之路 |
問:《雜阿含經》說 :修行時當取自心相,如何取自心相? | RESP | 2006/11/24 20:33 | 2 | 14595 | 2019/7/1 13:38 by serendipity |
請問林教授與各位前輩.初禪二禪三禪四禪的實踐方法,與檢視標準 | richard | 2010/4/23 18:46 | 5 | 21357 | 2013/1/10 11:48 by onkell |
有关高血压的问题 | pudgala | 2012/5/18 22:24 | 1 | 8265 | 2012/5/23 10:33 by RESP |
發起樂禪支後的問題 | Long | 2011/8/7 13:41 | 6 | 14803 | 2011/9/22 7:58 by 宇桐屏 |
讚念長老2009-10開示 mp3 節選下載 | RESP | 2009/12/27 1:58 | 4 | 17127 | 2011/1/5 18:08 by RESP |
情緒與印象 | Josie | 2010/9/6 16:07 | 2 | 11216 | 2010/9/8 13:24 by RESP |
尋伺的解釋 | onkell | 2010/8/9 9:13 | 1 | 11161 | 2010/8/11 12:22 by RESP |
請問林老師,孫倫禪師的觀呼吸法細節 | 智淵 | 2010/3/29 8:44 | 3 | 14578 | 2010/3/29 18:11 by RESP |
[問] 臥禪做定慧禪修時身體出現流動熱感 | gordianknot | 2008/11/27 17:34 | 4 | 18229 | 2009/2/19 5:16 by pondapower |
似相,閉眼或張開眼都能看到。 | hueisus | 2008/11/27 8:59 | 3 | 16913 | 2008/11/30 13:57 by yc |
vipassana [1][2] | Eric | 2006/11/16 23:22 | 21 | 60951 | 2008/10/21 15:27 by Eric |
如何選擇修行? | see0076 | 2008/9/17 11:34 | 1 | 12009 | 2008/9/19 3:22 by RESP |
問經行 | 一元 | 2008/4/3 21:21 | 1 | 13151 | 2008/4/3 22:25 by nino1 |
五蘊皆空 | amy69020 | 2008/3/19 9:03 | 2 | 16075 | 2008/3/25 5:13 by yc |
平常心 | amy69020 | 2008/3/19 9:02 | 1 | 13650 | 2008/3/19 17:00 by RESP |
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