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三個月雨安居精進禪修營 | RESP | 2009/4/18 2:31 | 0 | 9673 | 2009/4/18 2:31 by RESP |
一本令人敬愛且令全世界華人引以為榮的書 | 林義信 博士 | 2006/4/20 17:37 | 0 | 10212 | 2006/4/20 17:37 by 林義信 博士 |
【雜阿含經論並科判】PDF檔分享 | RESP | 2020/1/17 19:55 | 2 | 5295 | 2020/1/18 16:07 by RESP |
【隆波帕默的觀心經歷】 [1][2] | RESP | 2020/3/27 21:27 | 38 | 26868 | 2020/5/24 17:10 by RESP |
【隆波帕默的禪修經驗談】最新分享 | RESP | 2020/6/24 11:34 | 13 | 11580 | 2020/8/12 10:28 by RESP |
【隆波帕默的新開示】 | RESP | 2020/5/30 19:18 | 6 | 6476 | 2020/6/18 19:39 by RESP |
【隆波帕默的內觀開示合集】 | RESP | 2021/4/24 15:04 | 15 | 9743 | 2021/5/13 7:09 by RESP |
【隆波帕默的內觀開示十講】 | RESP | 2021/8/11 15:22 | 10 | 8059 | 2021/10/1 7:08 by RESP |
【隆波帕默的內觀開示九講】 | RESP | 2021/5/28 11:14 | 9 | 6750 | 2021/7/3 8:19 by RESP |
【阿毗達摩禪修營】2017 10月7日~11日 | RESP | 2017/9/5 14:20 | 0 | 6103 | 2017/9/5 14:20 by RESP |
【釋迦牟尼佛傳原典選集】最新二版分享 | RESP | 2021/5/23 6:04 | 2 | 3664 | 2021/5/24 8:52 by RESP |
【近行定和剎那定】 | RESP | 2019/12/18 12:37 | 3 | 5522 | 2020/1/19 7:37 by RESP |
【轉載】動中禪心得分享(摘要) | Nancy | 2009/7/28 9:21 | 0 | 8890 | 2009/7/28 9:21 by Nancy |
【讚念長老法句】分享 [1][2] | RESP | 2020/6/9 18:28 | 22 | 17689 | 2021/7/3 10:13 by RESP |
【讚念長老八書下載】 | RESP | 2023/5/13 23:26 | 0 | 1723 | 2023/5/13 23:26 by RESP |
【讚念長老內觀禪的複習和預習】 | RESP | 2018/5/26 2:09 | 0 | 4760 | 2018/5/26 2:09 by RESP |
【談談菩薩道】影片分享講義下載 | RESP | 2019/11/18 8:14 | 1 | 3721 | 2019/11/19 12:03 by RESP |
【談談如理作意】文章分享 | RESP | 2019/10/12 19:11 | 0 | 3528 | 2019/10/12 19:11 by RESP |
【談談九心輪】新文分享 | RESP | 2019/10/30 12:41 | 0 | 3507 | 2019/10/30 12:41 by RESP |
【禪宗研究新文分享】曆代法寶記略探 | RESP | 2020/3/4 9:19 | 2 | 4517 | 2020/3/5 10:09 by RESP |
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