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《成唯識論述記》下載 | RESP | 2011/9/8 9:23 | 1 | 10794 | 2011/9/8 18:36 by 宇桐屏 |
止觀研究與實習 | RESP | 2008/8/11 15:47 | 0 | 10871 | 2008/8/11 15:47 by RESP |
正念動中禪 禪修通知 | RESP | 2008/7/25 13:23 | 0 | 11133 | 2008/7/25 13:23 by RESP |
佛學成人教育 | 訪客 | 2005/2/13 1:36 | 0 | 11313 | 2005/2/13 1:36 by 訪客 |
踏上心靈幽徑----張老師3月份新書 | RESP | 2008/3/13 17:37 | 0 | 11318 | 2008/3/13 17:37 by RESP |
內觀 | mmm | 2004/6/20 9:06 | 0 | 11361 | 2004/6/20 9:06 by mmm |
◆相與念 | RESP | 2011/8/5 14:09 | 4 | 11947 | 2011/8/10 9:13 by nino1 |
[推薦書籍] 佛陀的法音 | RESP | 2006/5/25 2:19 | 0 | 12206 | 2006/5/25 2:19 by RESP |
【隆波帕默的禪修經驗談】最新分享 | RESP | 2020/6/24 11:34 | 13 | 12260 | 2020/8/12 10:28 by RESP |
◆當代韓國牟峰禪師簡介 | RESP | 2011/8/16 9:28 | 4 | 12567 | 2011/8/18 11:20 by cloud |
法光「止觀研究與實習」免費禪修課程 | RESP | 2009/3/1 16:15 | 2 | 12637 | 2009/3/12 10:52 by RESP |
讚念長老口述:老虎洞寺的創建和趣事 | RESP | 2020/8/1 19:25 | 18 | 13756 | 2020/8/26 9:25 by RESP |
動中禪活動與心得分享 | RESP | 2006/8/23 6:23 | 1 | 13902 | 2006/8/27 10:30 by 訪客 |
泰國讚念長老指導禪修(5/12,13) / 活動照片 | RESP | 2009/5/7 9:24 | 4 | 15793 | 2009/5/14 10:02 by RESP |
隆波帕默內觀開示整理 [1][2] | RESP | 2020/11/2 13:38 | 26 | 16663 | 2021/2/10 15:17 by RESP |
內觀新文分享 [1][2] | RESP | 2020/7/2 8:56 | 23 | 17647 | 2021/4/20 14:40 by RESP |
讚念長老《涅槃之道》分享 [1][2] | RESP | 2020/7/1 14:19 | 23 | 18800 | 2020/7/21 21:40 by RESP |
【讚念長老法句】分享 [1][2] | RESP | 2020/6/9 18:28 | 22 | 18967 | 2021/7/3 10:13 by RESP |
『諸惡莫作,眾善奉行,自淨其意,是諸佛教』。 | 因緣 | 2007/7/31 0:26 | 5 | 22530 | 2007/8/1 14:03 by Eric |
隆波帕默內觀禪修開示二檔分享[最新] [1][2] | RESP | 2020/8/12 11:36 | 33 | 23031 | 2020/10/24 13:48 by RESP |
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