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若尚未離淫欲貪著者,則可「以毒攻毒,以貪治貪」? | yy | 2006/2/26 15:28 | 2 | 14849 | 2006/2/28 16:32 by RESP |
觀心 | yy | 2006/2/26 21:36 | 2 | 14636 | 2006/2/28 16:30 by RESP |
其實楞嚴觀音耳根圓通法門本身就是四念處修法? | 光慈 | 2007/7/28 19:28 | 2 | 18310 | 2007/8/6 12:27 by RESP |
如何学习瑜伽师地论? | 常忏悔 | 2008/5/10 20:24 | 2 | 22393 | 2008/5/11 21:33 by RESP |
如何正確理解「二十種身見」 | hhw | 2007/12/9 15:06 | 2 | 16894 | 2007/12/11 16:51 by RESP |
「觀身」打好基礎 | AndrewUK | 2008/10/2 19:25 | 2 | 17232 | 2008/10/10 15:18 by AndrewUK |
无题 | 小丁 | 2009/6/2 12:17 | 2 | 25868 | 2009/6/17 10:53 by RESP |
<根本說一切有部毘奈耶雜事卷>問題 | a868622002 | 2009/5/9 14:38 | 2 | 14600 | 2009/5/10 13:31 by a868622002 |
如何经行? | 常忏悔 | 2008/5/24 14:59 | 2 | 21390 | 2008/5/24 21:39 by RESP |
先修習念佛法門 | 訪客 | 2004/3/18 14:50 | 1 | 12539 | 2005/12/12 17:55 by RESP |
蘊界入的異同 | mmm | 2004/6/20 9:09 | 1 | 13872 | 2005/12/8 15:32 by RESP |
業的止息 | mmm | 2004/6/20 9:11 | 1 | 13754 | 2005/12/9 3:29 by RESP |
佛成正覺之後第一個想度誰? | mmm | 2004/6/20 9:14 | 1 | 14239 | 2005/11/20 22:05 by insights |
關於八敬法 | 悟奕 | 2005/11/14 9:14 | 1 | 14141 | 2005/11/14 9:14 by insights |
為何須要以因明來辯經呢? | RESP | 2006/2/11 7:38 | 1 | 12137 | 2006/10/6 23:59 by 思者 |
請問"內觀禪修"等同"出入息念十六勝行"嗎? | 訪客 | 2006/6/20 20:15 | 1 | 12525 | 2006/6/23 7:58 by RESP |
如何观察念头? | 常忏悔 | 2008/5/6 19:28 | 1 | 18360 | 2008/5/6 23:00 by RESP |
观出入息是身念住吗? | 常忏悔 | 2008/5/7 19:06 | 1 | 18456 | 2008/5/7 20:13 by RESP |
要不要参加禅修? | 常忏悔 | 2008/5/4 22:51 | 1 | 18217 | 2008/5/5 8:47 by RESP |
《菩提道次第廣論 》的奢摩他和內觀法門有何關連? | amy69020 | 2007/6/13 20:16 | 1 | 12049 | 2007/6/13 21:08 by RESP |
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