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南傳和藏傳的禪修在初期是不是很相似? | 彰法 | 2007/9/6 16:46 | 1 | 12357 | 2007/9/6 18:18 by RESP |
請問林教授在密宗是否主要師承噶舉派? | 彰法 | 2007/9/6 16:53 | 1 | 12973 | 2007/9/6 18:16 by RESP |
請問何謂心性清淨說? | Ann | 2007/8/25 3:09 | 1 | 15276 | 2007/8/25 10:06 by RESP |
聲聞乘之五道 | Ann | 2008/6/15 8:15 | 4 | 27067 | 2008/7/23 15:01 by RESP |
引經據典:關於人無我和法無我 | 因緣 | 2007/7/28 7:10 | 7 | 23379 | 2007/9/18 9:08 by RESP |
內觀法門的修行有無道次第?若有,其次第為何? | nino | 2007/6/14 8:48 | 1 | 11140 | 2007/6/14 19:24 by RESP |
《菩提道次第廣論 》的奢摩他和內觀法門有何關連? | amy69020 | 2007/6/13 20:16 | 1 | 11752 | 2007/6/13 21:08 by RESP |
《菩提道次第廣論 》的毗婆奢那和內觀法門有何關連? | amy69020 | 2007/6/14 19:20 | 1 | 11846 | 2007/6/14 21:17 by RESP |
《中論 》、《入中論 》和《阿含經》有何關係?和內觀法門又有何關連? | amy69020 | 2007/6/17 21:33 | 1 | 11476 | 2007/6/17 22:37 by RESP |
何以知道壇經不是真常唯心的思想? | amy69020 | 2007/9/11 12:02 | 1 | 11690 | 2007/9/11 12:25 by RESP |
「知」和「見」有何不同? | amy69020 | 2007/11/29 10:24 | 1 | 11736 | 2007/11/30 20:59 by RESP |
壇經的「何其自性本自清淨,何其自性本不生滅,何其自性本自具足,何其自性本無動搖,何其自性能生萬法」,是否屬於真常唯心的思想? | amy69020 | 2007/9/11 11:02 | 1 | 14562 | 2007/9/11 11:09 by RESP |
「此生已盡」和「不受後有」有何不同? | amy69020 | 2007/11/29 10:25 | 1 | 13133 | 2007/12/9 12:52 by RESP |
學佛到底是靠自力或他力才得成就? | amy69020 | 2007/10/6 16:36 | 1 | 12202 | 2007/10/6 20:55 by RESP |
唸佛時,口唸阿彌陀佛的聖號,耳聞觀世音菩薩的聲音,心中憶念大勢至菩薩,這個和內觀的觀法有無關係? | amy69020 | 2007/10/6 16:38 | 1 | 11926 | 2007/10/6 20:56 by RESP |
印度佛教各宗各有其主張,最主要的差別為何? | amy69020 | 2007/10/8 2:38 | 1 | 11576 | 2007/10/8 10:25 by RESP |
見、聞、覺、知的差別意義為何? | amy69020 | 2007/11/29 10:25 | 1 | 12637 | 2007/12/10 23:04 by RESP |
「 不是我、不異我、不相在」是何意思? | amy69020 | 2007/12/7 21:52 | 1 | 15084 | 2007/12/9 12:50 by RESP |
體證四聖諦時,是頓現觀或漸次現觀? | amy69020 | 2007/12/10 23:02 | 1 | 13372 | 2007/12/27 21:06 by RESP |
如何在繁忙的生活中來禪修呢? | amy69020 | 2008/3/18 18:47 | 13 | 39410 | 2008/5/5 22:29 by RESP |
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