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引經據典:關於人無我和法無我 | 因緣 | 2007/7/28 7:10 | 7 | 23379 | 2007/9/18 9:08 by RESP |
學佛到底是靠自力或他力才得成就? | amy69020 | 2007/10/6 16:36 | 1 | 12202 | 2007/10/6 20:55 by RESP |
妙五欲 | 小丁 | 2009/5/11 22:21 | 1 | 12483 | 2009/5/14 17:07 by RESP |
如何正確理解「二十種身見」 | hhw | 2007/12/9 15:06 | 2 | 16274 | 2007/12/11 16:51 by RESP |
如何在繁忙的生活中來禪修呢? | amy69020 | 2008/3/18 18:47 | 13 | 39405 | 2008/5/5 22:29 by RESP |
如何观察念头? | 常忏悔 | 2008/5/6 19:28 | 1 | 18043 | 2008/5/6 23:00 by RESP |
如何经行? | 常忏悔 | 2008/5/24 14:59 | 2 | 21066 | 2008/5/24 21:39 by RESP |
如何学习瑜伽师地论? | 常忏悔 | 2008/5/10 20:24 | 2 | 21926 | 2008/5/11 21:33 by RESP |
天气炎热 | 常忏悔 | 2008/6/16 21:36 | 1 | 17566 | 2008/6/18 9:00 by RESP |
壇經的「何其自性本自清淨,何其自性本不生滅,何其自性本自具足,何其自性本無動搖,何其自性能生萬法」,是否屬於真常唯心的思想? | amy69020 | 2007/9/11 11:02 | 1 | 14561 | 2007/9/11 11:09 by RESP |
問:阿羅漢有退而再起煩惱嗎?退了什麼?為何在重病時,有「自殺」的說法? | RESP | 2006/9/15 3:40 | 0 | 11168 | 2006/9/15 3:40 by RESP |
問:阿含經中說:修習 七覺分或入出息念,可得二果、四果、七果,這種果依何來區分? | RESP | 2006/9/8 6:25 | 0 | 10394 | 2006/9/8 6:25 by RESP |
問:許多內觀禪修法門為何強調要由頭到腳掃瞄整個身體,覺察自己體內的狀況? | RESP | 2006/4/10 11:04 | 0 | 10763 | 2006/4/10 11:04 by RESP |
問:聲聞阿羅漢與佛有無差異? | RESP | 2006/9/8 6:20 | 0 | 10034 | 2006/9/8 6:20 by RESP |
問:第七末那識與我見、我愛、我慢、無明 | RESP | 2006/1/13 6:11 | 0 | 11755 | 2006/1/13 6:11 by RESP |
問:禪修時,為何要觀察四大?有何依據? | RESP | 2006/4/10 11:02 | 0 | 10015 | 2006/4/10 11:02 by RESP |
問:為何修行絕不能缺少四念住? | RESP | 2006/11/2 1:04 | 0 | 9971 | 2006/11/2 1:04 by RESP |
問:有人自稱 「業障深重 」。什麼是業障? | RESP | 2006/5/11 10:55 | 0 | 10247 | 2006/5/11 10:55 by RESP |
問:如何修法念住?有何依據? | RESP | 2006/11/24 20:31 | 0 | 10492 | 2006/11/24 20:31 by RESP |
問:如何修心念住?有何依據? | RESP | 2006/11/19 6:34 | 0 | 10394 | 2006/11/19 6:34 by RESP |
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