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定相四门 | pudgala | 2011/4/1 21:03 | 1 | 9192 | 2011/4/5 15:20 by RESP |
退法无学果 | pudgala | 2011/4/10 13:01 | 1 | 8394 | 2011/4/11 8:42 by RESP |
灭不待因 | pudgala | 2011/4/16 13:17 | 1 | 12037 | 2011/4/18 9:04 by RESP |
学习心得 | pudgala | 2011/5/8 20:40 | 0 | 7633 | 2011/5/8 20:40 by pudgala |
得 | pudgala | 2011/7/10 23:13 | 1 | 7578 | 2011/7/15 10:43 by RESP |
請問教授『異』是作何解釋? | 大雄 | 2011/4/13 13:06 | 9 | 18535 | 2011/8/3 11:53 by 宇桐屏 |
離蘊處界 – 無覺悟處 | 宇桐屏 | 2011/8/3 13:10 | 1 | 7731 | 2011/8/4 8:31 by 宇桐屏 |
能覺知的心 | RESP | 2011/8/3 13:21 | 6 | 13587 | 2011/8/4 8:38 by 宇桐屏 |
唯識修行 | Eric | 2011/8/5 12:46 | 0 | 8117 | 2011/8/5 12:46 by Eric |
南傳佛教的內觀禪修[完全符合]大乘如來藏之說 | 淨堂 | 2011/6/12 11:18 | 4 | 12178 | 2011/8/5 21:07 by 宇桐屏 |
虚空是无漏法吗? | pudgala | 2011/8/4 22:07 | 3 | 9950 | 2011/8/6 7:18 by RESP |
解脫六道輪迴之苦不必再等到來世,念觀世音菩薩名號今世就能成就解脫 | 淨堂 | 2011/8/8 9:54 | 1 | 9456 | 2011/8/8 11:20 by 宇桐屏 |
請問各位:要如何做才能真正生起對五陰的厭離心呢? | 淨堂 | 2011/2/4 23:13 | 18 | 33269 | 2011/8/10 8:41 by 宇桐屏 |
佛教徒及基督徒 | RESP | 2011/8/4 13:33 | 2 | 9256 | 2011/8/10 12:14 by com |
真如的同義詞,證知真如 | nino1 | 2011/7/29 9:22 | 2 | 10779 | 2011/8/16 12:13 by nino1 |
今立一論,請大德們評論! [1][2] | 宇桐屏 | 2011/8/8 10:31 | 22 | 33550 | 2011/8/16 18:55 by 宇桐屏 |
初果阿羅漢 [1][2] | Eric | 2011/8/25 8:37 | 37 | 56910 | 2011/8/30 9:23 by amy69020 |
等无间缘 | pudgala | 2011/8/27 10:48 | 1 | 8453 | 2011/8/30 13:19 by RESP |
請教「非戲論」一分的「佛法」議題! | 宇桐屏 | 2011/8/30 8:14 | 11 | 16778 | 2011/9/1 9:10 by amy69020 |
能覺知的心、真心、無我 [1][2][3][4] | RESP | 2011/8/3 13:29 | 69 | 85691 | 2011/9/7 18:55 by 宇桐屏 |
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