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問:六祖為何說:「看心看淨,卻是障道因緣」? | RESP | 2006/11/19 6:33 | 0 | 9945 | 2006/11/19 6:33 by RESP |
問:如何修心念住?有何依據? | RESP | 2006/11/19 6:34 | 0 | 10394 | 2006/11/19 6:34 by RESP |
問:如何修心念住中的「覺了心」?有何依據? | RESP | 2006/11/19 6:35 | 0 | 9986 | 2006/11/19 6:35 by RESP |
問:如何以內觀來照見五蘊無我?有何依據? | RESP | 2006/11/24 20:31 | 0 | 10099 | 2006/11/24 20:31 by RESP |
問:如何修法念住?有何依據? | RESP | 2006/11/24 20:31 | 0 | 10492 | 2006/11/24 20:31 by RESP |
問:《雜阿含經》說 :修行時自知前後昇降,如何前後昇降? | RESP | 2006/11/24 20:32 | 0 | 10869 | 2006/11/24 20:32 by RESP |
請益林前輩您此篇文章- 止觀的實踐-兼評《菩薩道次第廣論》 | 光慈 | 2006/12/21 21:43 | 3 | 15646 | 2007/1/8 5:48 by RESP |
請益如何將動中禪的要訣應用於甩手功? | 光慈 | 2007/1/10 21:00 | 1 | 12900 | 2007/1/11 10:20 by RESP |
請益有關光明想入睡法實際練習方面問題? | 光慈 | 2007/2/4 19:53 | 1 | 13720 | 2007/2/6 5:29 by RESP |
關於金剛乘學會----陳健強上師及黎日光上師 | 訪客 | 2007/3/13 7:42 | 1 | 14156 | 2007/3/14 19:39 by RESP |
請益林前輩能否心月輪與安般法門融合修持? | 光慈 | 2007/3/24 18:53 | 1 | 12505 | 2007/3/24 23:59 by RESP |
請問七覺支與四念處的關係為何? | 訪客 | 2007/3/27 23:18 | 3 | 15545 | 2007/4/3 12:07 by RESP |
內觀四念處是進入阿含大般若經楞嚴圓覺經等等諸經之強力敲門磚? | 光慈 | 2007/4/28 13:36 | 1 | 12689 | 2007/4/29 6:01 by RESP |
請問如何研讀《瑜伽師地論》? [1][2] | Ann | 2007/3/2 22:26 | 26 | 54479 | 2007/5/20 23:30 by RESP |
請問奢摩他,毗婆舍那與三摩地三者之不同? | 訪客 | 2007/5/19 20:59 | 1 | 13933 | 2007/5/20 23:32 by RESP |
《菩提道次第廣論 》的奢摩他和內觀法門有何關連? | amy69020 | 2007/6/13 20:16 | 1 | 11752 | 2007/6/13 21:08 by RESP |
內觀法門的修行有無道次第?若有,其次第為何? | nino | 2007/6/14 8:48 | 1 | 11140 | 2007/6/14 19:24 by RESP |
《菩提道次第廣論 》的毗婆奢那和內觀法門有何關連? | amy69020 | 2007/6/14 19:20 | 1 | 11845 | 2007/6/14 21:17 by RESP |
《中論 》、《入中論 》和《阿含經》有何關係?和內觀法門又有何關連? | amy69020 | 2007/6/17 21:33 | 1 | 11475 | 2007/6/17 22:37 by RESP |
問:什麼是無明? | RESP | 2006/11/2 1:02 | 4 | 16544 | 2007/6/19 16:13 by RESP |
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